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Positivity Goes Both Ways By S.C. Wynne

Hello all!

I saw a crazy author lambasting the members in his reader’s group the other day. He said to them that if they didn’t interact, or promote him, he was going to toss them out of his group. Now, let’s forget for a minute how uncouth that threat is, but why would you do that? If people saw you on a takeover, and thought maybe you looked cool enough to join your group, why would you go out of your way to make them feel like you’re a dick?

I get that sometimes the apathy of SOME readers can get to you. There are those readers who say things as dumb as; “I’m only here for the free stuff.” Uh… yeah, I’d kick those people too. But simply because readers are not actively promoting you, that is no reason to kick someone from your group. That is just kookie.

Readers are not OBLIGATED to promote us. Is it cool as hell when readers do that? Yes. It’s awesome. But if a reader joins my reader group, they don’t have a job. They aren’t there to promote me, and make my career for me. That’s my job. If I suck at it, well, that’s on me, not them.

But I wonder if maybe the new climate of publishing is what made that author do something so stupid as to threaten his readers, or potential readers? (Or he might just be an asshole?)

I hate to say it, but there seems to be a pervasive feeling on the part of certain readers toward authors right now that is a bit scary. There is a type of reader that feels the need to tag authors in negative reviews. This kind of reader seems to believe that, as authors, we need to just keep our mouths closed, no matter what is said to us.

I don’t think that’s realistic. Authors are just people. We’re just humans fumbling along and trying our best. We create these things we love, aka books, and we hold them out to you, the reader, and ask you to like it. You don’t always like it, and that’s your right. But is having the right to not like something the same as tagging authors to express how much you hate our hard work? I think the two things are very different. Feel free to bash us on Goodreads, or tell us how you loath our works in your reviews, but please, for all that is holy and kind, DO NOT TAG AUTHORS IN YOUR NEGATIVE REVIEWS.

Authors are just people. We have feelings just like you. When we create something, it’s a part of us. You wouldn’t walk up to me and tell me my children are ugly, or that you hate my cooking, right? Social norms would prevent you from being that mean to me, so when it comes to my creative work… my other children… lol… please DO NOT TAG ME IF YOU HATE MY EFFORT. It’s just simple politeness. Hate it with your friends. Hate it privately. But you don’t have to tell me, right? RIGHT?

That being said, you are not obligated to love my work either. Sincerely, I mean this. I hope you’ll like my offerings, but I’m savvy enough to know not all people will love everything I do, even if I LOVE IT. After all, I don’t love everything my favorite authors do. But I’d never, EVER tag them to tell them that.

Taste is subjective. Your opinion means no more than mine, or another readers, right? And why spread negativity if you don’t have to? What’s lacking in this world is kindness, not cruelty. I guess I live by the motto of be kind. If what I have to say isn’t edifying, why share it?

I suppose my point is simply be a light. Be what is good in this world, not what is bad. If you can make someone feel better, by all means do that. But if your words will simply hurt someone, what is the joy or honor in that? Maybe I’m naive. Maybe i’m a fool. Perhaps I’m sappy because I subscribe to the belief we should always be our best. We should be a shining light.

Well, if I am naive, then so be it. I can live with that. Kindness is what you’ll get from my lips, and fingers. I’ll build you up, and not take the cheap shot. I hope that karma will return to me, but either way, I’m happy to be on this side of things. I hope you are too.
